
A Spin on Plain Ol Green Beans

A Spin on Plain Ol Green Beans

A Spin on Plain Ol Green Beans

A Spin on Plain Ol Green Beans is a small addition to a regular vegetable. It is nothing fancy; however, sometimes, side dishes are bland—green beans with a bit of pizzazz.

2 bags of frozen green beans (about 24 ozs.)


1 small bag of sliced almonds

4 slices of bacon, cooked

A splash of oil


The frozen green beans that I bought were the type that you can steam, in the bag, in the microwave. I did that. You can also use fresh green beans, canned, french cut, or whatever tickles your fancy.

While the green beans were cooking, I poured a splash of oil into a saucepan along with the bacon. Cook the bacon until done. Lay on a paper towel to drain.

In the bacon grease (yes, I know), pour the steamed green beans into the saucepan and add seasoning. Throw in the sliced almonds and the crumbled bacon. Stir and let it all meld together cause it tastes better.

If you do not have bacon to cook, you could also use REAL bacon bits (no imitation).

My Big Daddy thought I was a rock star 🙂 I’m fantastic.