Adoption, Life or Something Like It

Why Do I Blog?

Why Do I Blog?

Why Do I Blog?
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Why Do I Blog? Well, that is a good question. I started my blog almost eleven years ago. It was not what it is today, it was much different. I was in the thick of raising (ie keeping alive, feeding, homeschooling, and all the things) only five kids. We were in the process of adopting our sixth child, internationally.

Originally My Intentions

My blog originated with the intent of keeping family and friends in the loop about our process. It is hard to know who you told what to while in that process. This was an easy way for me to make sure everyone knew everything. The process was hard. It was sanctifying and challenged my faith.

Our journey was long and hard with our adoption. There were many people in many places (and countries) that was following our journey. A blog was just easier because I could word vomit all my feelings. There were so many emotions during that time. You have, in the beginning, what is called a “paper pregnancy.” It takes about 9 months to do all the paperwork, get the dossier together, homestudy, and travel.

Then, we had a 15 month delay, so that emotional rollercoaster was all documented. It really was just so I could process my emotions and keep my eyes above the waves. There were some times I wrote about raising kids, homeschooling life, and cleaning but it was mainly on our adoption.

Moving Forward

After his adoption, my blog shifted to just homeschooling mom life of six kids. Adjusting to the new addition in our family, my husband starting a new job, and just living life. It was full of adoption related content that helped me keep an account of all the fun and not so fun things that happened.

Many things I wrote, I have set to private. As I went through and reread them, over the years, I decided that it was not something I wanted to remain for the public to see. Adoption is beautiful but it is also extremely hard and trying. Add that to my journey through my own personal trauma and mental health issues…well, it isn’t for public consumption.

Here We Are Today

I write when I have a chance. There are so many things that have gone on lately. In short, I went back to college (again), got a job, working through my health crap, studying for the world’s worst test, cooking, raising kids, being a Lolli, and all the things. I would like to get back into writing more, but I have not been in the mental state to do so. In time, trying to get back into the swing of things. We shall see where it goes.


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